Economics of the Family and Family Policies
Christina Jonung
Not Available
Women, Activism and Social Change
Maja Mikula
Intimate Citizenships
Elzbieta H University of Lódz and 1 more
Female Homosexuality in the Middle East
Samar University of Sydney and 1 more
Child Abuse, Gender and Society
Jackie Turton
The Cultural Politics of Female Sexuality in South Africa
Henriette Gunkel
Gendering Global Transformations
Chima J Korieh
Theorizing Sexual Violence
Renée J University of Toledo and 2 more
Migration, Domestic Work and Affect
Encarnación University of Manchester and 1 more
Gender, Welfare State and the Market
Thomas Boje
A Philosophical Investigation of Rape
Louise du Toit
Global Empowerment of Women
Carolyn M Elliott
L Dawson
Migrant Men
Mike Donaldson
Understanding Non-Monogamies
Meg Barker
Overcoming Objectification
Josep Colomer
Sex Differences in Labor Markets
David Neumark
The Gender of Democracy
Maro Pantelidou Maloutas
Contesting the Politics of Genocidal Rape
Debra B Bergoffen
Intimate Partner Violence in LGBTQ Lives
Janice L Ristock
Transnational Migration, Media and Identity of Asian Women
Youna American University of Paris and 1 more
Feminist Solidarity at the Crossroads
Kim Marie Vaz
Victims, Gender and Jouissance
Victoria Grace
Homosexuality, Law and Resistance
Derek McGhee
Women's Work and Wages
Gender, Ethnicity and Political Agency
Shaminder London South Bank University and 1 more
Street Sex Workers' Discourse
Jill McCracken
Ecofeminism and Systems Thinking
Anne Stephens
Gender, Nutrition, and the Human Right to Adequate Food
Anne C Bellows
Karli June Cerankowski
Cross-Cultural Women Scholars in Academe
Lorri J Santamaría
Muslim Women, Transnational Feminism and the Ethics of Pedagogy
Lisa K Taylor
Lisa K Taylor and 1 more
Gendering Globalization on the Ground
Gay Young
Marginalized Masculinities
Chris Haywood
Anne C Bellows and 3 more
Bodies, Symbols and Organizational Practice
Agnes Bolsø
Ageing, Gender and Sexuality
Sue Westwood
Gender and Neoliberalism
Elisabeth Armstrong
Body, Migration, Re/constructive Surgeries
Gabriele Griffin and 1 more
Men's Intrusion, Women's Embodiment
Fiona Child and Women Abuse Studies Unit and 2 more
The Embodied Performance of Gender
Jack University of Melbourne and 1 more
Gender and Migration
Anna Amelina and 1 more
Sexuality after War Rape
Nena University of Ljubljana and 1 more
Women, Horseracing and Gender
Deborah Butler
Gypsy Feminism
Laura Corradi
Gender, Subjectivity and Cultural Work
Christina Scharff
Contemporary Muslim Girlhoods in India
Saba University of Warwick and 1 more
Wellness in Whiteness
Amina Carleton University and 1 more
Refracting Through Technologies
Ericka Johnson
The Conundrum of Masculinity
Chris Haywood and 3 more
Black Women, Agency, and the New Black Feminism
Maria del Guadalupe Davidson
Beyond Gender
Greta Olson
Gendering the Memory of Work
Maria Tamboukou
Equality Struggles
Mia University of Gothenburg and 1 more
Body Image as an Everyday Problematic
Félix Martínez
Agnes Bolsø and 2 more
Modern Motherhood and Women’s Dual Identities
Petra Australian College of Applied Psychology and 1 more
Affective Inequalities in Intimate Relationships
Tuula Juvonen
Girls, Aggression, and Intersectionality
Krista Mcqueeney
Age, Gender and Sexuality through the Life Course
Susan Pickard
Gender and Precarious Research Careers
Annalisa Murgia
Masculinities, Sexualities and Love
Aliraza Javaid
The Romani Women’s Movement
Angéla Kóczé
Gabriele Griffin
Gender and Rural Migration
Glenda Tibe Bonifacio
Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking in Women
Esther Hertzog
Masculinities and Femininities in Latin America's Uneven Development
Susan Paulson
New Dynamics in Female Migration and Integration
Christiane Timmerman
Changing Names and Gendering Identity
Rachel Canterbury Christ Church University Thwaites
Neoliberal Bodies and the Gendered Fat Body
Hannele Harjunen
The Gender-Sensitive University
Eileen Trinity College and 1 more
Teaching Women's Studies in Conservative Contexts
Cantice Greene
Women's Magazines in Print and New Media
Noliwe Rooks
Trauma, Women’s Mental Health, and Social Justice
Emma University of Sydney and 1 more
Saba Hussain
Mexican American Women, Dress and Gender
Amaia IbarraranBigalondo
Multiple Gender Cultures, Sociology, and Plural Modernities
Heidemarie University of Bielefeld and 1 more
Political Invisibility and Mobilization
Selina Syracuse University and 2 more
Women of Faith and the Quest for Spiritual Authenticity
Sara Ashencaen Crabtree
The Genealogy of Modern Feminist Thinking
Ingeborg W Owesen
Negotiating Marriage, Family and Work
Dahlia Department of Health and Human Services and 1 more
White Masculinity in Contemporary Australia
Andrea La Trobe University and 1 more
Gender Violence in Ecofeminist Perspective
Gwen Hunnicutt
Motherhood in Contemporary International Perspective
Fabienne PortierLe Cocq
Rape in the Nordic Countries
Marie Aalborg University and 1 more
Reframing Drag
Kayte University of Warwick and 1 more
Young, Disabled and LGBT+
Alex Toft
Women and Reproductive Technologies
Annette Queens University and 3 more
Annette Burfoot and 1 more
Identity, Belonging, and Community in Men’s Roller Derby
Dawn Fletcher
Eileen P Drew and 1 more
Transdisciplinary Feminist Research
Carol Sheffield Hallam University and 4 more
Trauma Transmission and Sexual Violence
Trauma and the Rehabilitation of Trafficked Women
S Behnaz University of Oxford and 1 more
Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence
Lucas Gottzén and 2 more
Heidemarie Winkel and 1 more
A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research
Rachel Open University of Catalonia and 1 more
Sara Bournemouth University and 1 more
British-Bangladeshi Women in Higher Education
Berenice National Centre for Social Research and 1 more
Men and Welfare
Anna University of Lincoln and 1 more
Ingeborg W The Research Council of Norway Owesen
Gendering the Political Economy of Labour Market Policies
Rosa University of Bologna and 3 more
Women and Suicide in Iran
The Social Science of Same-Sex Marriage
Aaron Minnesota State University and 1 more
Epistolary Narratives of Love, Gender and Agonistic Politics
Maria University of East London and 1 more
Gender-Based Violence in Mexico
Ana Luisa Article 19 and 1 more
Sexual Violence and Political Transitions
Louise Du Toit
Gender, Violence, and Law
Melanie Randall
Inequalities and the Paradigm of Excellence in Academia
Fiona Jenkins and 3 more
Gender and the Politics of Disaster Recovery
Sajal University of Technology Sydney and 1 more
What Is Sexualized Violence?
Jana Schäfer
Gender and Firearms
Peter Squires
Equality Dancesport
Yen Nee Wong
Queering Desire
Róisín RyanFlood and 1 more
Rachel Palmen and 1 more
Re-Thinking Men
Anthony Synnott
KJ Cerankowski and 1 more
Masculinity in Lesbian 'Pulp' Fiction
Paul Thompson
Debates Around Abortion in the Global North
Exploring Autistic Sexualities, Relationality, and Genders
Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist and 2 more
Gender Fields
Sofia Aboim and 1 more
Rosa Mulè and 1 more
Biotechnologies and Reproductive Agency
Ana BravoMoreno
Mapping Queerness in Times of Uncertainty
Arnaud Kurze and 2 more
Ana Luisa Sánchez Hernández and 2 more
Migratory Men
Garth Stahl and 1 more
Intimate Partner Femicide
Bethany Wilkinson and 1 more
Ann J Cahill
Violence, Care, Cure
MartaLaura Cenedese and 1 more
Gender, Race and National Identity
Jackie Hogan
Inclusive Masculinity
Eric Anderson
Transgender Identities
Sally Hines and 1 more
Gender, Development, and Environmental Management
Seema AroraJonsson
Queer Women in Urban China
Elisabeth L Engebretsen
Genealogies and Conceptual Belonging
Eike Marten
Chris Haywood and 1 more
Women and Self-Employment
Vani K Borooah and 1 more
Helma Lutz and 1 more